Alive Day S1:E1

Season 1: Episode 1: Officer Paulie Lewis joins the Muster Room Podcast for our pilot episode! Officer Lewis was violently injured in the line of duty and has used his social media following in the years since his injury to fight for injured officers around the country.

Officer Lewis began his Law Enforcement career in July 2018 in Weare, New Hampshire. On August 1, 2019, just 8 months out of the academy,  Paulie and his Sergeant were called to a domestic where a husband was holding his wife hostage with multiple firearms. Paulie and his Sergeant were able to extract the wife from the house, however, after attempting to contact the husband, Paulie was shot at 6 times, and was struck 2 times by two .45 caliber bullets to his right and dominant arm. Paulie immediately lost use of his dominant hand due to radial nerve damage and had a fractured forearm and humerus. An artery in his forearm was also severed, and consequently, a tourniquet was used to save Paulie’s life.

Paulie has underwent four surgeries trying to repair the permanent damage to his arm and hand. After a tendon transfer in March of 2021, Paulie has been
attempting to relearn how to use his hand again.  In August 2021, his humerus was fractured again, where he initially took the bullet, due to the weakness in his bone construct. Paulie will be undergoing his 5th surgery sometime in 2021 to repair his humerus. In October 2021, Officer Lewis retired from Law Enforcement due to the permanent injuries he sustained from the gunfire.

Joseph Ryder

A resume website that displays the photographic and reporting of Joseph Ryder

The Bestest Goodest Boy: K9 Piper S1:E2